New Retail 3D Content Webinar - Marxent

New Retail 3D Content Webinar - Marxent

By now you’ve heard of “New Retail,” defined by Alibaba founder Jack Ma as a seamless merger of offline, online and logistics for a dynamic new world of retailing. 3D Content is a key part of any New Retail strategy, but how do you know the assets you’re buying today will serve future needs? 3D Cloud has the answers. Get Ready for New Retail: How to Futureproof 3D Content for What’s Next was designed exclusively for furniture retailers who want to stay competitive, and takes a deep dive into the details of how to futureproof a 3D content investment.

Watch the presentation:

Topics include:

  • How to ensure a smart investment in 3D content – 5 key factors that go into futureproofing your 3D content investment
  • The role of 3D in the buying journey
  • The cost of 3D content
  • Approaches to balancing visual quality with app performance
  • Differences between real-time and pre-baked 3D content
  • How Amazon is using 3D to sell furniture

More on 3D Content from 3D Cloud:

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