The number one reason for retailers to invest in mobile applications and experiences is customer demand with loyalty a close second – and a December 2012 eMarketer survey drives that home with data.


According to the survey, the failure of a retailer to produce relevant, useful mobile experiences not only makes the retailer appear to be old fashioned but also causes customers to feel inconvenienced and  disrespected by retailers. There is an overwhelming sentiment that apps save time and money while also helping to familiarize consumers with the merchandise carried by a retailer.


One in five smartphone and tablet shoppers said they would download a shopping app to become familiar with a brand. This suggests that smartphone and tablet owners are also using apps for discovery. They may be unsure what a brand sells, and instead of visiting that brand’s website or ducking into a nearby store, they are downloading the brand’s mobile app to peruse its products or offerings.


Though they may serve a purpose similar to a print catalog in some cases, apps are not replacing catalogs – but rather enhancing them.  Learn more about how 3D Cloud™ and the Ballard+ Catalog Companion App are using mobile image recognition to take the power of print direct marketing and combine it with the engagement and shopping ease of mobile.


eMarketer: Are Shopping Apps Taking on the Role of Catalogs?


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