Welcome to the latest post in our “Employee Q&A” series, where we interview an employee to reflect on their career and experience at 3D Cloud™. Part of our success is mainly due to our people. So, we’re excited to feature a hardworking team member to learn about their journey at 3D Cloud.

This week, we spotlight Amanda Blaker, Data/Business Analyst at 3D Cloud™. Let’s read on to learn more!

Amanda, how did you find out about 3D Cloud?

I found a job listing on LinkedIn and applied. I didn’t learn a ton about what 3D Cloud did until speaking with Casey – the more she explained, the more excited I got about the opportunity to work here.

What is your current role at 3D Cloud now? What does it consist of?

Data/Business Analyst. I receive content orders from clients and set up the data, order assets, product build, and track remediation for new orders.

Can you give a brief overview of your background?

I have a BS and MS in mathematics and an MEd in Education. Before coming to 3D Cloud, I taught college mathematics for 20 years. During the last five years as an educator, I started using data to inform our curriculum development and placement and fell in love with data!

What is one thing that surprised you about your current role?

All the different areas that I need to understand – learning more about how 3D products are made has made a huge difference in being able to order content accurately.

What do you like most about the work we do at 3D Cloud?

I love the environment we work in. I feel like everyone is heard and respected here, that new ideas are welcome, and that even though we are remote, we work together to accomplish our goals.

How would you describe your direct team culture?

It’s amazing. From the bottom to the top, everyone is inclusive and willing to help when there’s a problem. I also love how committed the company is to recognizing team members for their contributions. I think it can be hard to create a team atmosphere in a remote company, but I never felt like I am on my own. I honestly think that 3D Cloud™ has created a better team culture remotely than many other organizations do in person.

What is something that you learned about yourself in the past year?

That I need structure. Working remotely has forced me to create that structure and routine for myself in a way that would help me stay on task and organize my workload.

Some of the work you do can be challenging. What keeps you grounded and energized?

Having a work-life balance. This was something I really struggled with when I was teaching and one of the reasons I made a career shift. Spending time with my family, friends, and dogs helps to ground me and allows me to come back to work every day refreshed and ready to go!


Thank you, Amanda, for taking the time to share your career journey and experiences at 3D Cloud™. You come from an incredible and skilled background. It’s amazing to see you utilize your skills in your position at 3D Cloud™.

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