Welcome to the latest post in our “Employee Q&A” series, where we interview an employee to reflect on their career and experience at 3D Cloud™. Part of our success is mainly due to our people. So, we’re excited to feature a hardworking team member to learn about their journey at 3D Cloud.

This week, we spotlight Chris Furgason, UX/UI, at 3D Cloud™. Let’s read on to learn more!

Chris, how did you learn about 3D Cloud™, and what is your current role at the company?

I found out about 3D Cloud™ when our previous HR Director contacted me about a Creative Director position that was opening up. Currently, I spend my time on the platform side working with the UX/UI team.

What does your role consist of?

Helping design new products, refining and advancing existing products, and reviewing new builds ahead of cert.

What do you like most about the work we do here?

My team is great. Getting to work with folks that you genuinely like makes everything that much better.

How do you structure your day?

My mornings are generally used for stand-ups and other meetings with my afternoons focused on heads-down design work.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

Japan, Scotland, or Alaska

What’s something that you’ve always wanted to try or learn?

I’ve always wanted to rebuild an engine in a Testarossa!


Thank you, Furg, for your responses. We appreciate your sharing your career journey with us.

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