Welcome to the latest post in our “Employee Q&A” series, where we interview an employee to reflect on their career and experience at 3D Cloud™. Part of our success is mainly due to our people. So, we’re excited to feature a hardworking team member to learn about their journey at 3D Cloud.

This week, we spotlight Matt Belcher, Business Development and Growth Manager at 3D Cloud™. Let’s read on to learn more!

Matt, how did you learn about 3D Cloud™, and what is your current role at the company?

I had been keeping my eye on our handsome Chief Strategy Officer, Tom Woiteshek, who is also a friend, and saw he had joined a 3D company called 3D Cloud™. In my brief research, it seemed like a pretty cool company with some strong logos. Fast forward three months later when Tom reached out as the company was looking for salespeople, and after a great conversation with Beck and a few others, I knew it was the place for me. I have been helping lead Sales and Business Development in North America since and coming up on two years at the company.

What does your role consist of?

My main focus is to drive new business for our Home Vertical in North America, spending the majority of my time focused on Furniture and Office. This includes prospecting, delivering demos, and quarterbacking the process from start to finish of acquiring a new customer.

What do you think is the most important skill that you bring to the table?

Genuine relationship building. It is a bit twofold, but for anyone who knows me, I love people, and I love to talk! I enjoy learning about others and helping solve problems, and building strong, trusting relationships along the way. This does require the other half of the equation of staying organized, diligent, and always driving forward.

How do you motivate yourself at work? Do you have any secret tips?

It may be cliche, but I hate to lose, and I do really enjoy helping people. Whether it is hitting a team goal, solving a problem for a prospective client, or just delivering internally for a colleague, it keeps me going daily. It is no secret, but my best advice is to stay organized and keep the big picture in mind. Being a good teammate, delivering on your word, consistent outreach, etc…all take organization and being thoughtful of your end goals. Whatever works for you, plan your next day as you wrap up the day before, set weekly or monthly goals, and push hard to reach them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

What are three words to describe 3D Cloud?

Innovative, Reliable, & Family

What is the best advice you could give to someone who just started a career at 3D Cloud?

DO YOUR WEEKLY 5×5! In all seriousness, I tell anyone who starts in Sales to go out and meet as many people in the business as possible. There are so many amazingly talented people in the business, and everyone is super friendly and willing to help. Building those internal relationships can be just as important, if not more, especially with remote work.

What have you gained from working at 3D Cloud?

Working here has been a huge step in my career; gaining the technical knowledge and experience in a full SaaS selling environment, Diving into the amazing products we offer, 3D modeling in general, and much more has been huge for me. Plus, the chance to learn from well-versed and dynamic leaders such as Beck, Barry, Marc, Anis, and others has been invaluable.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations at 3D Cloud, and why?

Those internally know the battle for the most interesting man in the world between Marc Fratello (Head of BD) and Anis Hadj Taieb (CRO). Their extensive range of experience selling in all sorts of industries, the incredible relationships they bring to the table, and their negotiating skills are something I look up to every day. I want to one day be that well-rounded in my career and have the stories they can tell at Happy Hour!

What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?

Throw out the first pitch at an MLB game, and it better be a strike!

What is one food you can’t resist? Pizza? Ice Cream?

Anything chocolate and peanut butter combo is my weakness.


Thank you, Matt, for taking the time to share insights about yourself and your journey at 3D Cloud™. We appreciate your dedication to the team and our mission and the important skills you bring.

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