Iron Triangle

Realism, speed, deployment options — furniture retailers and manufacturers pursuing a 3D product strategy want them all, but at what cost? Welcome to the “Iron Triangle,” the eternal struggle of software development. The constraints are considered “iron” because you can’t change one without impacting the others.

Furniture shoppers don’t know or care about the Iron Triangle. They demand better realism and speed, more intuitive design tools, and most important of all, less friction everywhere — and they want it now. A recent survey by Digital Bridge found 74% of consumers already expect retailers to offer some type of AR experience.

In this video, we’ll explore what the Iron Triangle means for 3D product strategy, and offer tips for furniture retailers and manufacturers looking to make virtual product delivery an integral part of their business.

Note: This video is the second in a multi-part video series on 3D product strategy. Check out part 1 here. The series will conclude with a special webinar, which we’ll be telling you more about as we get further into the series. Stay tuned!

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