DAYTON, Ohio  — The 3D Cloud company, has unveiled an unlimited 360 Product Spins service designed to help furniture shoppers customize and visualize the exact product configuration they want to buy while on a product detail page.

The service uses 3D Cloud’s 360 Product Spins API and Dynamic Spin Server to deliver a new level of customization to furniture shopping, eliminating the need for expensive and time-intensive product photography or CGI.

Until now, retailers and manufacturers with a broad product range, products with lots of combinations of options, combinations of furniture types, colors, sectional arrangements, leather or fabric, have been limited by the resource-intensive process of manually producing and rendering 3D Spins one at a time.

For a flat fee, 3D Cloud’s data-driven 360 Product Spins allow retailers to illustrate and reflect configuration choices that include every possible option and upgrade. The content exports to all standard spin file formats and is compatible with mobile and web browser-based shopping experiences. The most exciting part for retailers is that the same 3D Content Library created for 3D Cloud 360 Product Spins can be used to power Augmented Reality furniture apps, Virtual Reality experiences and more in the future.

“We’re excited about 360 Product Spins because they address a real pain point for retailers,” said Beck Besecker, CEO and Co-Founder of 3D Cloud.  “360 Product Spins have been desirable and effective at increasing sales for many years but difficult and expensive to implement comprehensively. We’ve made it accessible and easy for furniture retailers who depend on mass customization to visualize any option that a customer is inspired to explore.”

“Our goal was to provide the most personalized visualization experience available without restricting catalog size or flexibility, to introduce a new cost structure that reflects retailer desire to offer mass customization as well as for easy deployment,” Besecker said, ”Buying furniture is a very personal decision and customers want to and deserve to see exactly what they’re going to buy. Now they can.”

Read the original release.

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