Our new self-service tools are based on feedback from retailers and manufacturers. It’s now easy for any contributor to master high-quality, high-volume product page asset creation in 30 minutes or less. 

Today, we rolled out an exciting update to our one-click 3D Product Renders solution for the home furnishings industry. This innovation is revolutionizing how furniture retailers and manufacturers are generating product page visuals at scale.

There’s no seat license, and it’s easy to learn in just a few minutes, so the tool is accessible to any in-house contributor who needs to use it. To keep pricing simple, a large number of renders are included in the enterprise subscription. 3D Cloud Product Renders are included in the 3D Cloud Furniture Solutions Bundle, which includes six 3D apps (WebAR, Sectional Configurator, etc…) for a simple subscription fee.

Key features of the update include:

  1. Intuitive User Interface: User-friendly, one-click interface.
  2. Powerful Presets: Achieve a consistent look without extensive adjustments.
  3. Effortless Scalability: Generate visuals for all possible configurations.
  4. Efficient Production: Streamlined processes and faster results for cost savings.
  5. Role Management: Assign visual creation roles for creating and editing presets.
  6. Realism Advancements: Lighting and shader updates for velvet and more.

Watch this 30-second video to see how fast and easy it can be to create high-quality product page visuals:


To view the 3D Cloud Product Render examples, visit our 3D Renderings Gallery. 

Read the full press release here: New from 3D Cloud: One-Click Product Renders Update Simplifies E-commerce Visuals at Scale

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