In addition to his many duties as 3D Cloud’s CEO, Beck Besecker took some time out of his week to contribute as a guest author to VentureBeat, for a story on Diminished Reality.

“It’s an exciting time for Augmented Reality,” Besecker begins. “With new AR platforms launching from the biggest names in tech over the last few months, including Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore, retailers like Ikea, Wayfair, and Anthropologie have already released ARKit-powered apps, opening the door to consumer acceptance of AR as viable retail technology.

But across the board, early AR shopping apps still leave much to be desired. Sure, it’s useful to use AR to virtually place a new chair, side table, work of art or sectional into a room. But unless you’re starting with an empty room, physical objects can get in the way of a true sense of presence and satisfying experience.

Enter diminished reality — a different ‘reality’ — that promises to change that. With DR, users will be able to digitally remove unwanted, inanimate objects from their physical surroundings to get an even more realistic view of how potential purchases will fit within the context of their lives.”

Read more at VentureBeat.

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