Welcome to the latest post in our “Employee Q&A” series, where we interview an employee to reflect on their career and experience at 3D Cloud™. Part of our success is mainly due to our people. So, we’re excited to feature a hardworking team member to learn about their journey at 3D Cloud.

This week, we spotlight Lee Carter, Head of User Experience, at 3D Cloud™. Let’s read on to learn more!

Lee, how did you learn about 3D Cloud™, and what is your current role at the company?

I learned about 3D Cloud as a client working for Kingfisher, where I was in charge of the UX integration of the 3D tools. I am currently the Head of User Experience.

What does your role consist of?

I lead the UX team in the creation of user flows, wireframes, component libraries, design systems, backlog alignment and maintenance, team training, data lead design, sales/customer engagement support, and process building/refinement.

What do you like most about the work we do here?

At 3D Cloud, we create innovative design solutions with 3D planning tools that have a complex and robust back end, supported by a simple-to-use and intuitive front end, allowing someone to pick up the tool and plan their space with little to no training.

What I love is that though we are great at this, we know we can always do better. We don’t just ship out new features and move on to the next. We carefully monitor our tools with data and customer feedback, reacting to that data to make constant improvements.

Separately, we work on a backlog of new and exciting features to improve our extensive toolset. Every day, 3D Cloud strives to bring ‘the next big thing’ to the 3D design space.

How do you structure your day?

Being in the UK and working for a US-based company has its benefits; from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., I get to really knuckle down into the work. I am a hands-on Head of UX, so I like to ensure that I work through my tasks early to allow myself the time to support my team when they start their day.

Each day, I work from a task list that I create for myself. Most of which are consistent:

  1. Check the UX backlog for newly created tickets and ensure that the correct content has been provided for my team.
  2. Pick up and process and highest priority tickets in the queue.
  3. I prepare for any meetings that I have scheduled to ensure that if I am expected to provide content, it is ready to go.
  4. Check and reply to emails or Slack messages. These I like to keep short and concise.

Other tasks that are not as frequent:

  1. 1on1 check-ins with my team members. This meeting is as much a check-in for me as it is for them. Management is a two-way street. I give feedback, and I ask for feedback in return. I find this open communication way of managing the most rewarding, and it keeps me honest about my faults, helping me improve.
  2. Spring planning. Working with the PMs, I plan the UX springs, assign the work to the team, and commit to each ticket based on capacity.
  3. Tools and best practices analysis. Keeping up to date with a very fast-paced digital industry can feel overwhelming. Setting aside a regular time to stay on top of it is key.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

New Zealand. I hear its beautiful and would love to visit. I do not travel much as I have a fear of flying. However, I overcome this fear for work travel. This has given me the confidence to want to travel more for leisure.


Thank you, Lee, for your responses. We appreciate your dedication to the team and the important skills you bring.

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