Welcome to the latest post in our “Employee Q&A” series, where we interview an employee to reflect on their career and experience at 3D Cloud™. Part of our success is mainly due to our people. So, we’re excited to feature a hardworking team member to learn about their journey at 3D Cloud.

This week, we spotlight Tony Taylor, Mobile Developer, at 3D Cloud™. Let’s read on to learn more!

Tony, how did you learn about 3D Cloud™, and what is your current role at the company?

A recruiter from Genesis Solutions emailed me. She said she’d been stalking me on LinkedIn, waiting for a perfect opening. She pitched me 3D Cloud as much as the position (Mobile Developer). The work sounded fun, but the corporate culture sounded terrific. She did not oversell.

My current role is mobile and implementation development. My favorite project is Room Scanner, my second major project. I got the current version up and running. Jordan had already done all the complex technical work, so it mainly was UI/UX implementation. And yes, the UI/UX team had developed the most excellent look and feel of the UI. After it was up and working (but not nearly done), Abigail made some serious contributions. I guess what I’m saying is that Room Scanner is mine.

What does your role consist of?

Everyone on the mobile team contributes equally to our mobile native projects (event Room Scanner belongs to all of us). We also work on web implementations along with the rest of the Ohio Dev team, which is what I’ve been focusing on for the last several sprints. It’s a little like controlled chaos — one sprint, I may be responsible for developing an implementation for client a, and the next, I’m on remediation for clients B and C, with a bit of mobile development thrown in for good measure.

There’s always something new and interesting. I love it.

What do you like most about the work we do here?

The atmosphere here is creative, dedicated, and driven. Everyone seems focused on delivering user experiences that are simple to use without sacrificing power and versatility, all while retaining a sense of fun.

It’s as close to working at my teenage dream idealized game studio as I think I could ever get.

How do you structure your day?

First, I check communication. Slack, then email. Then, I’ll look at my tickets. I order my tickets like this: highest priority, then most fun (which is usually the hardest), then easy to knock out, so I feel really busy. Once I know what I’m doing, I code.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

Galapagos Islands. No question. Not just for science tourism but for science tourism.

What’s something that you’ve always wanted to try or learn?

Woodworking. I’ve always been a little in awe of those who can create a fine filigree box or install trim in odd-shaped rooms with perfect corners.

Oh, I do woodworking. I’m just not very skilled. Not skilled at all, really. It’d be nice to create something without critiques like, “What’s that supposed to be?” or, “You, Sir, are a disgrace to the craft.”

But that’s why they invented carpenter’s putty.


Thank you, Tony, for your responses. We appreciate your sharing your career journey with us.

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